
Heafodstol Baghdad
Brego Abdul Latif Rashid
Prime Minister of Iraq Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani
Bradnes 437,072±1 km²
Feoh Iraqi dinar
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+03:00, Asia/Baghdad
Wægnplatung IRQ
Webbnamena tægl .iq
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +964

Sēo Cyneƿīse Iraces (of þǣm Middelpersiscan ērag "beneoðan", on Arabisce العراق al-ʿIrāq) is Middelēasterne lēodgeard in sūþƿesternre Asie, þe ymbfēhþ micelne dǣl þæs ealdan landes Mesopotamie æt mētunge þāra ēana Tigris and Eufrates, and ēac in Irace is Kurdistanes sūþdǣl. Hē dǣlþ mearca ƿiþ Kuƿait and Saudi Arabie besūðan hire, Iordanrīce beƿestan hire, Syrie benorþƿestan hire, Turclande benorþan hire, and Persealand beēastan hire. In Irace is sƿīðe nearu sǣrima æt Umm Qasr on þǣm Persiscan Dǣle.

Nīƿe fērendlic lēodƿeard ƿearþ gecoren on þǣm Æfterrum Gēolan þæs 2005. gēares, æfter þǣre infare in Hrēþmōnþe þæs 2003. gēares, þe ƿæs gelǣded fram Geānedrīciscum and Geānedcynerīciscum fierdum þe adrǣfdon from meahte fyrnlǣdere Saddam Hussein and his lēodƿeard, þe ƿæs Ba`aþ gehāten. On þǣm 15. Ƿinterfylleðes þæs 2005. gēares in sigefullum cyste gecuron þā Iraciscan cēosendas nīƿe gesetednesse. 79% þæs folces gēatton þā, and ēac fela þāra Sunni Arabiscena forstōdon. On þǣm 15. Gēolmōnþes þæs 2005. curon þā Iraciscan hira ǣrestne Þēodlicne Gemōt under þǣre nīƿan gesetednesse. In þissum ƿæs 70% þǣre lēodrǣdenne on cyre.

Þēah þe þraca gāþ forþ, is þæt Iracisce folc ānrǣd tō gebētenne hira land mid helpe þǣre Geānedrīciscan fierde and þǣre betƿuxþēodlican fierde.

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